Burnaby Homestay Host # 2992


Location and Map

* Note: due to privacy policy, the map points to postal code area NOT exact location.

  • Destination city is Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
  • Our postal/zip code is V5C3J2
  • Bus station is outside our doors
  • Other transit options is skytrain available
  • WIllington Heights Parks close by my area. More than 3 bus line can take you to Download or Metrotown. Libary close by just right at willington and Hasting. Also there are many banks and restaurants on Hasting St. just 10 mins walk away! Playland and PNE just 5 mins bus can arrive.

Host's Info

  • Host # 2,992
  • Host name is a Female
  • Children: none
  • Adults at home: one
  • House Pets: none
  • 1st Language: English
  • 2nd Language: Chinese
  • No. of Students: one
  • Hobbies / activities: Watching Movie, and jogging on the beach or go to gym.
  • Host Remark: save more funds for continuing study at BCIT!

Hosting Preferences

  • Prefer to host : Female (female, male or both)
  • Meals may offer: Three meals
  • Host may accept: No
  • Smoking at home: Yes

Homestay Rooms and Amenities

  • Home condition: Good Condition
  • Guestrooms at home: one
  • Internet access: Wireless
  • Access to TV: Shared
  • Desk in the room: Yes
  • Guest bathroom: Shared
  • Livingroom: Shared common area
  • Kitchen: Shared
  • Homestay rate start from: $825 a month
  • Meals included: one


