Homestay Host # 2598


Location and Map

* Note: due to privacy policy, the map points to postal code area NOT exact location.

  • Destination city is , Sichuan Sheng, China
  • Our postal/zip code is 610000
  • Bus station is accross the street
  • Other transit options is available
  • Supermarket, Mcdonald, Sichuan-kitchens, Drugstores, Swim pool. Bank. Bus stop. transport here is convenient. And there is just 10 mins's walking to get to the center of Chengdu. a River is near here.( and you can do some morning exercises along the river bank).

Host's Info

  • Host # 2,598
  • Host name is a Female
  • Children: none
  • Adults at home: one
  • House Pets: two cat fish
  • 1st Language: Chinese
  • 2nd Language: English
  • No. of Students: none
  • Hobbies / activities: Movies, Music, Swinmming, reading, languages, etc. ...and expierence more.
  • Host Remark: I have a comfortable nice apartment, and I'd like to share it with whom has different expierences. I'm open minded and willing to travel a lot, so I really want to learn more different expierences from others. Also willing to make friends

Hosting Preferences

  • Prefer to host : Both (female, male or both)
  • Meals may offer: Breakfast and dinner
  • Host may accept: Yes
  • Smoking at home: Yes

Homestay Rooms and Amenities

  • Home condition: newly renovated
  • Guestrooms at home: one
  • Internet access: Wireless
  • Access to TV: Shared
  • Desk in the room: No
  • Guest bathroom: Shared
  • Livingroom: Shared common area
  • Kitchen: Shared
  • Homestay rate start from: $495 a month
  • Meals included: none


