North Vancouver Homestay Host # 3643


Location and Map

* Note: due to privacy policy, the map points to postal code area NOT exact location.

  • Destination city is North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • Our postal/zip code is V7R2P6
  • Bus station is
  • Other transit options is available
  • Many students have homestays in our area of primarily single-family homes. We are a 5-10 minute walk from lots of places you want to go for both recreation & shopping: Edgemont Village ( has a Starbucks; grocery store, library, swimming pool/gym; lots of stores; restaurants and cafes The Capilano Suspension Bridge is nearby and nearby residents get free entry The Capilano River Regional Park with lots of hiking trails is a good place to go walking We are part-way up Grouse Mountain, so riding & skiing are convenient. There are very convenient buses near our home. I'll often take the bus instead of driving

Host's Info

  • Host # 3,643
  • Host name is a Male
  • Children: two
  • Adults at home: two
  • House Pets: none
  • 1st Language: English
  • 2nd Language: English
  • No. of Students: one
  • Hobbies / activities: snowboarding, swimming, reading, hiking, playing sports with children, biking
  • Host Remark: We have lived in Chicago, London, and Tokyo and traveled to over 50 countries. We like to meet people and experience various cultures/food. Now, with young children, it's harder to travel, so we would like to bring a more international influence into

Hosting Preferences

  • Prefer to host : Both (female, male or both)
  • Meals may offer: Breakfast only
  • Host may accept: Yes
  • Smoking at home:

Homestay Rooms and Amenities

  • Home condition: Good Condition
  • Guestrooms at home: one
  • Internet access: Wireless
  • Access to TV:
  • Desk in the room: Yes
  • Guest bathroom: Private
  • Livingroom: Shared common area
  • Kitchen: Shared
  • Homestay rate start from: $825 a month
  • Meals included: one


