Port Coquitlam Homestay Host # 2729


Location and Map

* Note: due to privacy policy, the map points to postal code area NOT exact location.

  • Destination city is Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
  • Our postal/zip code is V3B3H8
  • Bus station is two blocks away
  • Other transit options is W Coast Ex available
  • 6bed+den, 3bathroom. Beautiful Farm House. Near Costco and Terry Fox Secondary School and Elementary school. Save on Food. Restaurant. "Welcome homestay family" Privacy. Quiety. This is a beautiful place to enjoy living in British Columbia. Students interested in getting arround the Vancouver Area will be within 35 minute West Coast Express Train Ride to Downtown Vancouver. You can have unlimited access to Bus, Skytrain and the West Coast Express for $161.00 Monthly. This is a great deal. VERY ACCESSIBLE.

Host's Info

  • Host # 2,729
  • Host name is a Male
  • Children: three
  • Adults at home: two
  • House Pets: none
  • 1st Language: English
  • 2nd Language: English
  • No. of Students: none
  • Hobbies / activities: We love to go to parks, lakes and beaches where we enjoy having picnics as a family.
  • Host Remark: We have hosted students from Japan, China and Korea in the past and enjoy being able to make a difference in their lives as they experience a new city as well as a new language. The children enjoy it also.

Hosting Preferences

  • Prefer to host : Female (female, male or both)
  • Meals may offer: Breakfast and dinner
  • Host may accept: Yes
  • Smoking at home: No

Homestay Rooms and Amenities

  • Home condition: Good Condition
  • Guestrooms at home: two
  • Internet access: DSL
  • Access to TV: Shared
  • Desk in the room: Yes
  • Guest bathroom: Shared
  • Livingroom: Shared common area
  • Kitchen: Shared
  • Homestay rate start from: $880 a month
  • Meals included: none


